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Krum Independent School District

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Family Engagement

Krum ISD Pre-K  Parent Engagement 


The District’s mission is to create a collaborative atmosphere with parents, students, and members of the community in order to ensure students will reach their full potential by providing every child with an exceptional education.  We will strive to prepare our students academically and socially to embrace their future challenges, as well as ignite the desire to be lifelong learners, by providing a safe, respectful, and positive learning environment.

One of the more specific goals of the district is to improve communication with parents and community members and provide them with opportunities for positive involvement at all levels.

Commitment to Children:

Prekindergarten students have a classroom maintained at a 11:1 ratio and up to 22 students to two adults in one classroom. 

Homeless students:

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is a federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and education stability for homeless children and youth.  Krum ISD also provides supplemental educational services to homeless students in need and connects families with community-based resources as well.  Contact Nancy Shipley at 940-435-7116 for specific questions.

Special Education Services:

Child Find is a process designed to locate, identify, and evaluate children with disabilities who are in need of Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Programs or Special Education and Related Services.  Child Find is available to all children in the community from birth to age 21. Krum ISD aims to serve children with special needs from the earliest of years. Contact Terry Rahn at  940-435-7117 with your specific questions.

Foster Children:

Students who are in or who have ever been in the conservatorship of the Texas DFPS (that is, in foster care) following an adversary hearing are eligible for free PK. These students include not only students who are in or who have ever been in DFPS conservatorship but also students who have been adopted or returned to their parents after having been in DFPS conservatorship. Krum ISD strives to serve students who have been in foster care to help make adjusting to school a smooth transition.  For additional help, please contact Nancy Shipley at 940-435-7116.

Region XI:

Krum ISD partners with Region XI Education Service Center to provide extended learning opportunities for teachers and administrators for continuing education.  This support provides opportunities for teachers to maintain their teaching certificate and helps KISD provide the very best educational opportunities for our students by staying ahead with current research and practices.

Student Safety:

Krum ISD values student safety.  The district partners with the Krum Police Department and Fire Department to review safety procedures to ensure KISD is providing the safest environment possible for our students. 

Krum ISD believes in increasing parent participation in decision-making:

LPAC meetings:

Students eligible for language services because they are learning English as a second language will be invited to participate in yearly LPAC meetings to report their child's progress academically, linguistically, and affectively. The state requires annual meetings held three times a year to discuss a student’s progress in linguistic services.  The membership requirements of the meeting do not include the student’s parent.  Krum ISD values parent participation at home and at school.  An invitation will be sent home to request parent participation in these meetings and we encourage parents to come. 

Student Support (RTI) Meetings:

Sometimes students need extra academic or behavioral support at school.  When this occurs teams of teachers and administrators meet to create an individualized intervention plan.  We encourage parents to participate in these meetings to continue to build upon the home and school relationship.  Parent support is appreciated.

Teacher Training:

Pre-kindergarten teachers can access yearly training through our partnership with Education Service Center Region XI, CLI Engage, and in-house Professional Development and mentoring/coaching.  Teachers must complete training and meet state certification requirements.  Paraprofessionals who work with our PK students also have access to training opportunities.  

Campus and District Improvement Planning:

Each year campuses along with the district form committees to work on the continuous improvement cycle.  Many things are reviewed in these meetings.  Campus or district academic performance, staffing needs, professional development, campus and district initiative, parent involvement, specialized services for students, and budgets are all reviewed.  The committees are comprised of teachers, administrators, parents, community members, and business owners.  If you are interested in participating, please contact your campus principal.

Parent Nights and Open House:

Each campus encourages parents to participate in annual open house events as well as parent nights that extend the curriculum in a fun and engaging way for families.  These nights help parents and families learn more about what is being taught for that grade level and content area in the classroom while participating in some hands-on activities.  These nights usually focus on literacy, science, mathematics, and art.  KISD encourages parent participation.

Parent Reports:

Teachers receive extensive training in best practices for sharing resources from the Children's Learning Institute with families.  Teachers are trained to support parents in interpreting Circle Progress Monitoring data, and they assist parents in accessing the Children's Learning Institute's online Parent Connection learning activities. Parents will receive reports from teachers to inform them of their child’s progress.  As your child moves past pre-kindergarten you can look forward to additional report cards and online grade reports made available to monitor your child’s progress in an easy format.

Parent Evaluation:

From parent feedback forms at family events to district-wide parent surveys, a variety of methods and data are used to collect feedback.  Krum ISD administration team uses this information to evaluate the effectiveness of current prekindergarten family engagement practices and to plan for the next school year.