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Krum Independent School District

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District Communications

Krum ISD families can stay informed of campus and district news in many ways, including the following:

District Website:

Social Media: 

Facebook -

Krum SD's Twitter - @KrumBobcats

Krum ISD Instagram- krumisd

Weekly Newsletters:

Emailed to the primary guardian on a weekly basis


ParentSquare is the notification and communication system used both at the classroom and district level. This platform sends alerts based on your own preferences that you are able to edit at any time. If you don't set your own preferences, parents/guardians will receive email notifications. For additional information on the ParentSquare platform, click here.

Weather-Related Closings:

If for any reason Krum ISD must close campuses or delay start times due to weather, you are able to find this information through several outlets. 

The district website will have an announcement pop up when you first visit the website with the information. The closing information will also be located under the "News & Announcements" section of the homepage. Posts will be made on the district's Facebook pageInstagram, and Twitter feed.

In addition, the district has partnered with SchoolMessenger, a company that provides notification services for emergency broadcasts and other types of messaging. Automatic phone calls, text messages, and emails will be sent to parents regarding school closings or delays. Please be sure your contact information, including primary phone number and alternate phone number, is current with your child’s campus office. Additional information on School Messenger notifications can be found here

You may also tune in to the following television or radio stations for school closing information:

Channels 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 21, and 27

AM: 1080 and 820
FM: 94.9, 98.7, 103.7, 105.3, 100.3, and 107.5 FM