Career and Technical Education Courses
- Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources, and Manufacturing
- Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications
- Business Management and Administration and Finance
- Cosmetology
- Education & Training
- Health Science
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
- Public Notification of Nondiscrimination in Career and Technical Education Programs
Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources, and Manufacturing
Principles of Ag. Food & Natural Resources (CT02) Service ID 13000200 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 8-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: none
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources will allow students to develop knowledge and skills regarding career and educational opportunities, personal development, globalization, industry standards, details, practices, and expectations. To prepare for careers in agriculture, food, and natural resources, students must attain academic skills and knowledge in agriculture. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce experience, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills in a variety of settings.
Ag Mechanics & Metal (CT24) Service ID 13002200 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite Recommended Prin. Of AFNR
Students gain knowledge and skills in the application, design, production, and assessment of products, services, and systems and how those knowledge and skills are applied to manufacturing. The study of manufacturing technology allows students to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems, and settings in a manufacturing setting. Students also gain an understanding of career opportunities available in manufacturing and what employers require to gain and maintain employment in these careers.
Ag Structure and Design (CT81) Service ID 13002300 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Ag Mechanics and Metal
In Agricultural Structures Design and Fabrication, students will explore career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for careers in mechanized agriculture and technical systems, students must attain knowledge and skills related to agricultural structures design and fabrication. Certifications aligned to this course: AWS D1.1: Tack Weld Certification
Ag. Equipment and Lab (CT82) Service ID 13002360 Credit: 2 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: Ag. Mechanics & Metal and Ag. Structure and Design Fabrication
Rapid advances in technology have created new career opportunities and demands in many industries. In Agricultural Equipment Design and Fabrication, students will acquire knowledge and skills related to the design and fabrication of agricultural equipment Agriculture Equipment and Lab provides the knowledge, skills, and technologies required for employment in metal technology systems. This course supports integration of academic and technical knowledge and skills. Students will have opportunities to reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills to a variety of settings and problems. Knowledge about career opportunities, requirements, and expectations and the development of workplace skills prepare students for success. Certifications aligned to this course AWS D9.1 Sheet Metal Fillet Weld Cert. AWS D1/1 Fillet Weld Cert.
Ag Structure and Design Fabrication (CT83) Service ID 13002310 Credit: 2 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Ag Mechanics and Metal
This course is a continuation of agricultural mechanics and metal technology. Students will learn how to apply appropriate technology to metal construction related to agricultural structures design and fabrication. Students will have opportunities to reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills to a variety of settings and problems. Knowledge about career opportunities, requirements, and expectations and the development of workplace skills prepare students for success. Certifications aligned to this course AWS D9.1 Sheet Metal Groove Weld Certification API 57/ASME IX Fillet Weld Certification
Livestock Production (CT32) Service ID 13000300 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
In Livestock Production, students will acquire knowledge and skills related to livestock and the livestock production industry. Livestock Production may address topics related to beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, goats, and poultry. To prepare for careers in the field of animal science, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire knowledge and skills related to animal systems and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills in a variety of settings.
Turf Grass Management (CT78) Service ID 13001950 Credit: 0.5 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Practicum in Business Management is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences occur in a paid or unpaid arrangement and a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and to make a successful transition to the workforce or postsecondary education. Students apply technical skills to address business applications of emerging technologies. Students develop a foundation in the economic, financial, technological, international, social, and ethical aspects of business to become competent consumers, employees, and entrepreneurs. Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the business environment. Students incorporate a broad base of knowledge that includes the legal, managerial, marketing, financial, ethical, and international dimensions of business to make appropriate business decisions.
Landscape Design and Mgmt (CT77) Service ID 13001900 Credit: 0.5 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Landscape Design and Management is designed to develop an understanding of landscape design and management techniques and practices. To prepare for careers in horticultural systems, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to horticultural systems and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills and technologies in a variety of settings.
Horticulture Science (CT20) Service ID 13002000 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Horticultural Science is designed to develop an understanding of common horticultural management practices as they relate to food and ornamental plant production. To prepare for careers in horticultural systems, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to horticulture and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills in a variety of settings.
Equine Science (CT22) Service ID 13000500 Credit: 0.5 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
In Equine Science, students will acquire knowledge and skills related to equine animal systems and the equine industry. Equine Science may address topics related to horses, donkeys, and mules. To prepare for careers in the field of animal science, students must enhance academic knowledge and skills, acquire knowledge and skills related to animal systems, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills in a variety of settings.
Small Animal Management (CT21) Service ID 13000400 Credit: 0.5 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
In Small Animal Management, students will acquire knowledge and skills related to small animals and the small animal management industry. Small Animal Management may address topics related to small mammals such as dogs and cats, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. To prepare for careers in the field of animal science, students must enhance academic knowledge and skills, acquire knowledge and skills related to animal systems, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills in a variety of settings.
Agriculture Power Systems (CT27) Service ID 13002400 Credit: 2 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources and Ag Mechanics and Metal
Agricultural Power Systems is designed to develop an understanding of power and control systems as related to energy sources, small and large power systems, and agricultural machinery. To prepare for careers in agricultural power, structural, and technical systems, students must attain academic skills and knowledge; acquire technical knowledge and skills related to power, structural, and technical agricultural systems and the workplace; and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, industry certifications, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and technical skills in a variety of settings.
Food Technology and Safety (CT2A) Service ID 13001300 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Food Technology and Safety examines the food technology industry as it relates to food production, handling, and safety. To prepare for careers in value-added and food processing systems, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to value-added and food processing and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills and technologies in a variety of settings.
Floral Design (CT30) Service ID 13001800 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Floral Design is designed to develop students' ability to identify and demonstrate the principles and techniques related to floral design as well as develop an understanding of the management of floral enterprises. Through the analysis of artistic floral styles and historical periods, students will develop respect for the traditions and contributions of diverse cultures. Students will respond to and analyze floral designs, thus contributing to the development of lifelong skills of making informed judgments and evaluations. To prepare for careers in floral design, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to horticultural systems, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills and technologies in a variety of settings. This course also satisfies a Fine Arts credit requirement. Certifications aligned to this course Texas State Floral Association Knowledge Based Certification Texas State Floral Association Level 1 Certification
Greenhouse Operations & Production (CT80) Service ID 13002050 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Greenhouse Operation and Production is designed to develop an understanding of greenhouse production techniques and practices. To prepare for careers in horticultural systems, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to horticultural systems and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills and technologies in a variety of settings.
Advanced Animal Science (CT46) Service ID 13000700 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: Biology Chemistry Algebra I Geometry Small Animal Management, Equine Science or Livestock Prod.
Recommended Vet Med App
Advanced Animal Science examines the interrelatedness of human, scientific, and technological dimensions of livestock production. Instruction is designed to allow for the application of scientific and technological aspects of animal science through field and laboratory experiences. To prepare for careers in the field of animal science, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire knowledge and skills related to animal systems, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry standards. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills in a variety of settings. This course also satisfies a science credit requirement.
Veterinary Medical Applications (CT09) Service ID 13000600 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Livestock Production, Equine Science and Small Animal Management
Veterinary Medical Applications covers topics relating to veterinary practices, including practices for large and small animal species. To prepare for careers in the field of animal science, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to animal systems and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills and technologies in a variety of settings.
Practicum in Ag., Food, and Natural Resources (CT79) Service ID 13002500 Credit: 2 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: a coherent sequence of Agriculture CTE classes.
Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources is designed to give students supervised practical application of knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experiences such as employment, independent study, internships, assistantships, mentorships, or laboratories. To prepare for careers in agriculture, food, and natural resources, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills and technologies in a variety of settings.
Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications
Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications (CT10) Service ID 13008200 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: none
Careers in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications career cluster require, in addition to creative aptitude, a strong background in computer and technology applications, a strong academic foundation, and a proficiency in oral and written communication. Within this context, students will be expected to develop an understanding of the various and multifaceted career opportunities in this cluster and the knowledge, skills, and educational requirements for those opportunities.
Audio/Video Production I (CT25) Service ID 13008500 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Careers in audio and video technology and film production span all aspects of the audio/video communications industry. Within this context, in addition to developing technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications career cluster, students will be expected to develop an understanding of the industry with a focus on pre- production, production, and post-production audio and video activities.
Audio/Video Production II (CT75) Service ID 13008600 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: Audio/Video Production I
Careers in audio and video technology and film production span all aspects of the audio/video communications industry. Building upon the concepts taught in Audio/Video Production, in addition to developing advanced knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Clusters, students will be expected to develop an advanced understanding of the industry with a focus on pre-production, production, and post-production products. This course may be implemented in an audio format with both audio and video.
Graphic Design & Illustration I (CT69) Service ID 13008800 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: recommended Principles of Art, A/V Technology and Communications
A course for creative and artistic students, this course will appeal to students who enjoy designing and creating projects that communicate visually. Graphic Design and Illustration is a creative study of the art of visual communications and advertising through creativity, illustration, design, analysis, approach and technical skills. Students will improve communication skills by learning to communicate visually, describe and defend their work, interview clients, present completed layouts and develop electronic and print portfolios.
Practicum in Audio/Video Production (CT76) Service ID 13008700 Credit: 2 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: Principles in AV Production, a coherent sequence of Digital Communications CTE Courses
Careers in audio/video production span all aspects of the audio/video communications industry. Building upon the concepts taught in Audio/Video Production II and its corequisite Audio/Video Production II Lab, in addition to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to develop an increasing understanding of the industry with a focus on applying pre-production, production, and post production audio and video products in a professional environment. This course may be implemented in an advanced audio/video or audio format. Instruction may be delivered through lab-based classroom experiences or career preparation opportunities.
Business Management and Administration and Finance
Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance (CT15) Service ID 13011200 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: none
In Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance, students gain knowledge and skills in economies and private enterprise systems, the impact of global business, marketing of goods and services, advertising, and product pricing. Throughout this course, students will improve and master technology skills, including computer software applications and internet research.
Business Information Management (BIM) (CT11) Service ID 13011400 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Business, Marketing, and Finance Touch System Data Entry
Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and make a successful transition to the workforce and postsecondary education. Students apply technical skills to address business applications of emerging technologies, create word-processing documents, develop a spreadsheet, formulate a database, and make an electronic presentation using appropriate software. Certifications aligned to this course Microsoft Word Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Excel
Touch System Data Entry (CT14) Service ID 13011300 Credit: 0.5 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Business, Marketing, and Finance
In Touch System Data Entry, students apply technical skills to address business applications of emerging technologies. Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the business environment. Students will need to apply touch system data entry for production of business documents. Students are encouraged to participate in extended learning experiences such as career and technical student organizations and other leadership or extracurricular organizations.
Global Business (CT65) Service ID 13011800 Credit: 0.5 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Business, Marketing, and Finance
Students will analyze global trade theories, international monetary systems, trade policies, politics, and laws relating to global business as well as cultural issues, logistics, and international human resource management.
Virtual Business (CT16) Service ID 13012000 Credit: 0.5 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Touch Systems Data Entry
Virtual Business is designed for students to start a virtual business by creating a web presence, conducting online and off-line marketing, examining contracts appropriate for an online business, and demonstrating project-management skills. Students will also demonstrate bookkeeping skills for a virtual business, maintain business records, and understand legal issues associated with a virtual business.
Business Law (CT37) Service ID 13011700 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Business, Marketing, and Finance
Students analyze the legal and social responsibility of business through engaging projects and case studies. Issues addressed relate to the legal environment, business ethics, contracts, negotiable financial instruments, personal property, sales, warranties, business organizations, and employment. Students apply technical skills to address business applications of contemporary legal issues. Students incorporate a broad base of knowledge to make appropriate business decisions that includes the legal, managerial, marketing, financial, and ethical scope of business.
Human Resource Management (CT38) Service ID 13011900 Credit: 0.5 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Business, Marketing, and Finance
Students analyze the primary functions of human resource management, which include recruitment, training, and compensation. Students explore topics addressing equal employment opportunities, career development, employee benefits, and job safety and health. Students develop a foundation in human resources in order to become competent managers, employees, and entrepreneurs. Incorporating a broad base of knowledge, students will be able to make appropriate human resource decisions.
Money Matters (CT1M) Service ID 13016200 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance
Money Matters will promote financial responsibility among teens by building their basic money management skills. Students will apply critical-thinking skills to analyze financial options based on current and projected economic factors. Students will gain knowledge and skills necessary to set long-term financial goals through investment, tax planning, asset allocation, risk management, retirement planning, and estate planning. We will complete several real world activities based on 4 major units of study.
Accounting I (CT29) Service ID 13016600 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance
Students investigate the field of accounting, including how it is impacted by industry standards as well as economic, financial, technological, international, social, legal, and ethical factors. Students reflect on the is knowledge as they engage in the process of recording, classifying, summarizing, analyzing, and communicating accounting information.
Accounting II (CT3B) Service ID 13016700 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: Accounting I
Students continue the investigation of the field of accounting, including how it is impacted by industry standards as well as economic, financial, technological, international, social, legal, and ethical factors. Students reflect on this knowledge as they engage in various managerial and cost accounting activities. Students formulate and interpret financial information for use in management decision making. This course also satisfies a math credit requirement.
Financial Mathematics (M405) Service ID 13018000 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: Algebra I and Geometry
The Financial Math class will provide students with the basic knowledge needed to thrive in today's economy, It will change the financial future of the students and set them on a path to win with money, allowing them to change the way they look at money forever and build confidence in their own financial decision-making. This course also satisfies a math credit requirement.
Business English (E402) Service ID 13011600 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: English III Recommended Touch System Data Entry
Students recognize, evaluate, and prepare for a rapidly evolving global business environment that requires flexibility and adaptability. Students apply technical skills to address business applications of emerging technologies. Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the business environment. Students are expected to plan, draft, and complete written compositions on a regular basis. Students edit their papers for clarity, engaging language, and the correct use of the conventions and mechanics of written English and produce final, error-free drafts for business reproduction. This course also satisfies an English credit requirement.
Practicum in Business Management (CT72) Service ID 13012200 Credit: 2 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: Principles in Business, Marketing, and Finance, a coherent sequence of Business CTE Course
Recommended Touch System Data Entry
Practicum in Business Management is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences occur in a paid or unpaid arrangement and a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and to make a successful transition to the workforce or postsecondary education. Students apply technical skills to address business applications of emerging technologies. Students develop a foundation in the economic, financial, technological, international, social, and ethical aspects of business to become competent consumers, employees, and entrepreneurs. Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the business environment. Students incorporate a broad base of knowledge that includes the legal, managerial, marketing, financial, ethical, and international dimensions of business to make appropriate business decisions.
Principles of Cosmetology Design and Color Theory
Source ID: 13025050, Course Credit: 1.0, Prerequisites: None
Course Description: In Principles of Cosmetology Design and Color Theory, students coordinate integration of academic, career, and technical knowledge and skills in this laboratory instructional sequence course designed to provide job-specific training for employment in cosmetology careers. Students will attain academic skills and knowledge as well as technical knowledge and skills related to cosmetology design and color theory. Students will develop knowledge and skills regarding various cosmetology design elements such as form, lines, texture, structure and illusion or depth as they relate to the art of cosmetology. Instruction includes sterilization and sanitation procedures, hair care, nail care, and skin care and meets the TDLR requirements for licensure upon passing the state examination. Analysis of career opportunities, license requirements, knowledge and skills expectations, and development of workplace skills are included.
Cosmetology I
Source ID: 13025200, Course Credit: 2.0, Recommended Prerequisite: Introduction to Cosmetology
Course Description: In Cosmetology I, students coordinate integration of academic, career, and technical knowledge and skills in this laboratory instructional sequence course designed to provide job-specific training for employment in cosmetology careers. Instruction includes sterilization and sanitation procedures, hair care, nail care, and skin care and meets the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) requirements for licensure upon passing the state examination. Analysis of career opportunities, license requirements, knowledge and skills, expectations, and development of workplace skills are included.
Cosmetology II
Source ID: 13025300, Course Credit: 2.0, Prerequisite: Cosmetology I
Course Description: In Cosmetology II, students will demonstrate proficiency in academic, technical, and practical knowledge and skills. The content is designed to provide the occupational skills required for licensure. Instruction includes advanced training in professional standards/employability skills; Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) rules and regulations; use of tools, equipment, technologies and materials; and practical skills.
Education & Training
Principles of Education & Training (CT17) Service ID 13014200 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: none
Principles of Education and Training is designed to introduce learners to the various careers available within the Education and Training Career Cluster. Students use self-knowledge as well as educational and career information to analyze various careers within the Education and Training Career Cluster. Students will develop a graduation plan that leads to a specific career choice in the student's interest area.
Human Growth and Development (CT23) Service ID 13014300 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Education and Training
Human Growth and Development is an examination of human development across the lifespan with emphasis on research, theoretical perspectives, and common physical, cognitive, emotional, and social developmental milestones. The course covers material that is generally taught in a postsecondary, one-semester introductory course in developmental psychology or human development.
Instructional Practices (CT74) Service ID 13014400 Credit: 2 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Principles in Education and Training, Human Growth and Development
Instructional Practices is a field-based (practicum) internship that provides students with background knowledge of child and adolescent development as well as principles of effective teaching and training practices. Students work under the joint direction and supervision of both a teacher with knowledge of early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence education and exemplary educators or trainers in direct instructional roles with elementary-, middle school-, and high school-aged students.
Students learn to plan and direct individualized instruction and group activities, prepare instructional materials, develop materials for educational environments, assist with record keeping, and complete other responsibilities of teachers, trainers, paraprofessionals, or other educational personnel.
Practicum in Education and Training (CT73) Service ID 13014500 Credit: 2 Grade Level: 12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: Principles in Education and Training, Human Growth and Development, Instructional Practices
Practicum in Education and Training is a field-based internship that provides students background knowledge of child and adolescent development principles as well as principles of effective teaching and training practices. Students in the course work under the joint direction and supervision of both a teacher with knowledge of early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence education and exemplary educators in direct instructional roles with elementary-, middle school-, and high school-aged students. Students learn to plan and direct individualized instruction and group activities, prepare instructional materials, assist with record keeping, make physical arrangements, and complete other responsibilities of classroom teachers, trainers, paraprofessionals, or other educational personnel.
General Employability Skills (CT08) Service ID N1270153 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA:Pass/Fail Prerequisite: none
This course provides students with knowledge of the prerequisite skills for general employment as well as the means of obtaining those skills. Employability skills include fundamentals of maintenance of personal appearance and grooming. The course also includes the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that allow employees to get along with their co-workers, make important work- related decisions, and become strong members of the work team. Discovering job possibilities that link skills, abilities, interests, values, needs, and work environment preferences is a part of the process of obtaining employability skills and abilities and is experiential learning that takes place over time.
Health Science
Principles of Health Science (CT12) Service ID 13020200 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: none
Are you interested in the field of medicine?? The Principles of Health Science provides an overview of the therapeutic, diagnostic, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development systems of the healthcare industry.
Medical Terminology (CT13) Service ID 13020300 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisites: Principles in Health Science recommended
Medical terminology is designed to introduce students to the structure of medical terms, including prefixes, suffixes, word roots, combining forms, and singular and plural forms, plus medical abbreviations and acronyms. The course allows students to achieve comprehension of medical vocabulary appropriate to medical procedures, human anatomy and physiology, and pathophysiology.
Health Science (CT68) Service ID 13020400 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: Principles of Health Science recommended
This course is designed to provide for the development of multi-occupational knowledge and skills related to a wide variety of health care careers. Students will have hands-on experiences for continued knowledge and skill development. The course may be taught by different methodologies such as laboratory, clinical rotation, or cooperative education. Student maybe placed in clinical rotation internships at the hospitals; this placement is a privilege, not a guarantee.
Anatomy & Physiology (S403) Service ID 13020600 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: Biology and one additional science credit
Anatomy and Physiology is a course of scientific inquiry which concentrates on the study of the human body. Students will learn not only the physical anatomy, but also the physiological response of the body to internal and external stimuli. In addition, the course addresses both inter-organism and intra-organism comparative studies. This course also satisfies a science credit requirement.
Pathophysiology (CT19) Service ID 13020800 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry. Recommended prerequisite: a course from the Health Science Career Cluster.
The Pathophysiology course is designed for students to conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during
investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Students in Pathophysiology will study disease processes and how humans are affected. Emphasis is placed on prevention and treatment of disease. Students will differentiate between normal and abnormal physiology. This course also satisfies a science credit requirement.
Human Services
Principles of Human Services (CT18) Service ID 13024200 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: none
Do you have a desire to serve others? Have you always wanted to work with people? Do you feel called to help those around you? Human Services is a LARGE career cluster designed to introduce students to the MANY different areas in Family and Consumer Sciences. This interactive yet informative course will introduce the following career areas: Counseling and Mental Health, Early Childhood Development, Family and Community Services, Consumer Services, and Personal Care Services.
Students will also gain a foundation of knowledge and skills in each of these areas.
Interpersonal Studies (CT2H) Service ID 13024400 Credit: 0.5 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisites: recommended Principles of Human Services Principles of Health Science Principles of Education
Everyone we meet and everywhere we go -- relationships are being developed. Learn the ins and outs to being successful in ALL of LIFE’s varying interactions. Beginning with personal development, this course takes you through the Life Cycle; emphasizing skills and knowledge that are beneficial to each stage. Along with examining how relationships are built; students will also be introduced to techniques to enhance these connections, strategies to help manage multiple adult roles, and coping methods needed for handling LIFE’s various ups and downs. Careers related to the Counseling and Mental Health Services area will also be examined in this insightful and enlightening course.
Child Development (CT51) Service ID 13024700 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisites: recommended Principles of Human Services
YES – This is the class with the electronic baby simulators!!! Students will enjoy many hands on and interactive activities introducing them to the various aspects in child growth and development. Starting with Prenatal Care through School Age Child, this course is designed to give our students VALUABLE knowledge and skills needed to promote the well-being and healthy development of children. We will address current topics and trends associated within child development as well as research and analyze historical theory and methods. Our goal is to equip ALL students with the skills needed for the successful guidance of our future generations!
Counseling and Mental Health (CT2K) Service ID 13024600 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisites: recommended Principles of Human Services
Would you enjoy a career as a Counselor or Therapist? Counseling and Mental Health is a course designed to introduce students to the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a career choice in this area. Students will be expected to understand ethical and legal responsibilities, professional integrity, and gain insight into the complex world of mental health. This class will take a look inside the workings of the human brain, analyze the reasons behind thought process and emotional development, as well as learn about the various methods and techniques needed to assist those in need of mental and emotional support.
Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness (CT2L) Service ID 13024500 Credit: 0.5 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisites: recommended Principles of Human Services Principles of Health Science
In the Kitchen is where you will find us for this course!! Learn all about keeping our bodies healthy and well through our food choices! This interactive class takes students from behind the desk and places them in front of a stove as they learn the best ways to prepare delicious snacks and meals. Along with cooking techniques, students will be introduced to safety and sanitation principles, food storage methods, and the changing nutritional needs across the lifespan. This course is a MUST HAVE for all students – especially those in need of learning the basics behind preparing and planning meals!
Practicum in Human Services (CT71) Service ID 13025000 Credit: 2 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: recommended Principles of Human Services, and a coherent sequence of Human Services courses
Practicum in Human Services provides background knowledge and occupation-specific training that focuses on the development of consumer services, early childhood development and services, counseling and mental health services, and family and community-services careers. Content for Practicum in Human Services is designed to meet the occupational preparation needs and interests of students and should be based upon the knowledge and skills selected from two or more courses in a coherent sequence in the human services cluster.
Information Technology
Principles of Information Technology (CT56) Service ID 13027200 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisites: None
Students develop computer literacy skills to adapt to emerging technologies used in the global marketplace. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to prepare for a rapidly evolving workplace environment. Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the information technology environment.
Digital Media (CT26) Service ID 13027800 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisites: None
Have you ever seen an advertisement or edited sports photo and wondered, “How did they do that?” Digital & Interactive Multimedia provides students a hands-on experience with current technology in the marketplace and its application in information technology. A wide range of current software will be explored. Students will use their creativity and skills to create and edit interactive multimedia presentations; including digital images, sound, animation and web pages. The knowledge and skills acquired in this class will enable students to successfully perform and interact in today’s technology-driven society. The knowledge and skills acquired and practiced will enable students to successfully perform and interact in a technology-driven society. Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the information technology environment.
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security (CT33) Service ID 13029200 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 9-12 GPA: Regular
Prerequisite: none
This is an introductory course in the Law Enforcement program of study. In this course, students will analyze the legal responsibilities associated with roles and functions within law, public safety, corrections, and security organizations. The students will implement measures to maintain safe and healthful working conditions in a lab and public safety environment. This course would be beneficial to any student that is considering a career in law enforcement.
Criminal Investigations (CT34) Service ID 13029550 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 10-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: Recommended-Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
This course introduces students to the profession of criminal investigation. Students will understand basic functions of CI (Criminal Investigations) and procedures and will learn how to investigate or follow up during investigations. Students will learn terminology and investigative procedures related to CI, crime scene processing, evidence collection and courtroom presentation. Through the studies and simulated crime scenes, students will collect and analyze evidence such as hairs, fibers, bite marks, drugs, tool marks, blood splatter and digital evidence.
Forensic Science (S409) Service ID 13029500 Credit: 1 Grade Level: 11-12 GPA: Regular Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry Recommended-Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Forensic Science is a course that introduces students to the application of science to connect a violation of law to a specific criminal, criminal act, or behavior and victim. Students will learn terminology and procedures related to the search and examination of physical evidence in criminal cases as they are performed in a typical crime laboratory. Using scientific methods, students will collect and analyze evidence such as fingerprints, bodily fluids, hairs, fibers, paint, glass, and cartridge cases. Students will also learn the history and the legal aspects as they relate to each discipline of forensic science. This course also satisfies a science credit requirement.
Public Notification of Nondiscrimination in Career and Technical Education Programs
Public Notification of Nondiscrimination in Career and Technical Education Programs
Krum ISD offers career and technical education programs in all sixteen career clusters including: Agricultural Food and Natural Resources; Architecture and Construction; Arts, Audio Visual Technology and Communication; Business Management and Administration; Education and Training; Finance; Health Science; Hospitality and Tourism; Human Services; Information Technology; Law, Public Safety and Security; Manufacturing; Marketing, Sales, Services Science, Engineering, Technology, and Math; Transportation ,Distribution and Logistics. Admission to these programs is based on interest and aptitude, age appropriateness, class space availability and application process.
It is the policy of Krum ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap in its vocational programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
Krum ISD will take steps to assure that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in all educational and vocational programs.
For information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Nancy Shipley, at 940-435-7116 and/or the Section 504 Coordinator, Terry Rahn, at 940-435-7117 or by mail at, 1200 Bobcat Blvd. Krum, Texas 76249
Notificación pública de no discriminación en programas de educación profesional y técnica
Krum ISD ofrece programas de educación vocacional y técnica en los dieciséis grupos de carreras que incluyen: Alimentos Agrícolas y Recursos Naturales; Arquitectura y construcción; Artes, Tecnología Audiovisual y Comunicación; Gestión y administración de empresas; Educación y entrenamiento; Finanzas; Ciencia de la salud; Hospitalidad y Turismo; Servicios Humanos; Tecnologías de la información; Ley, Seguridad Pública y Seguridad; Fabricación; Marketing, Ventas, Servicios Ciencia, Ingeniería, Tecnología y Matemáticas; Transporte, Distribución y Logística. La admisión a estos programas se basa en el interés y la aptitud, la idoneidad de la edad, la disponibilidad de espacio en clase y el proceso de solicitud. La política de Krum ISD es no discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo o discapacidad en sus programas, servicios o actividades vocacionales como lo requiere el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, según enmendada; Título IX de las Enmiendas de Educación de 1972; y la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, según enmendada.Krum ISD tomará medidas para asegurar que la falta de habilidades en el idioma inglés no sea una barrera para la admisión y participación en todos los programas educativos y vocacionales.
Para obtener información sobre sus derechos o procedimientos de reclamo, comuníquese con la Coordinadora del Título IX, Nancy Shipley, al 940-435-7116 y / o la Coordinadora de la Sección 504, Terry Rahn, al 940-435-7117 o por correo al 1200 Bobcat Blvd. Krum, Texas 76249