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Krum Independent School District

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To be eligible for Pre-Kindergarten enrollment, the student must be age 3 or 4 on, or before, September 1, 2024, and meet the qualification requirements listed below. 

In order to register your child for Pre-Kindergarten, you will need to bring all of the following documents:

Early learning in prekindergarten gives kids a strong foundation.

Prekindergarten teaches important social, physical, emotional, and thinking skills, and prepares children for success in kindergarten and beyond.

Your child may be eligible for free prekindergarten at Krum ISD.

A child is eligible for enrollment in free prekindergarten if they are at least three or four years of age on or before September 1st of that school year and meets one of the following requirements.

Students who are 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024, will participate in a FULL DAY Pre-K program and students who are 3 years old on or before September 1, 2024, will participate in a HALF DAY PRE-K program.
Please note that any student who is eligible and enrolls in Pre-K at the age of 3, remains eligible for enrollment the following school year.

  • Is unable to speak or comprehend the English Language

  • Is economically disadvantaged eligible to participate in the national free or reduced-price lunch program

  • Is homeless as defined by 42 United States Code (U.S.C) section 1143a

  • Is the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military or the reserves

  • Is the child of a member of the armed forces of the United   States, including the state military forces or the reserves, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty

  • Is or ever has been in foster care or under the conservatorship of the Department of Family Protective Services

  • Is the child of a police officer, firefighter, or emergency medical responder seriously injured or killed in the line of duty and received the Star of Texas Award

Documents Required for Registration 

  • Child's Birth Certificate
  • Proof of Address- a utility bill, (the most current bill is required); lease agreement; closing documents on a home; tax or mortgage statement on a home, Krum ISD Notarized Form of Residency
  • Parent ID
  • Immunization Records

One of the following qualifiers:

Income Qualifiers:

  • Current Paycheck Stub
  • Current tax-return if self-employed
  • Current TANF or SNAP eligibility letter  

Language Qualifiers:

  • Home Language Survey (provided by Krum ISD)
  • Language test administered to the child

Military Qualifiers:

  • Verification of U.S. Department of Defense photo I.D.
  • Statement of Service
  • Copy of death certificate
  • Copy of Purple Heart Orders
  • Copy of Official Letter from commander
  • Copy of a letter from US Dept. of Veteran's affairs
  • Documentation that service member is MIA

Foster Care Qualifiers:

  • Verification Letter of PreKindergarten Eligibility from DFPS

Star of Texas Award Qualifiers:

  • Copy of the resolution (certificate) awarded to parent of child

To register your child, or to verify that they qualify, please visit the Krum Early Education Center located at 1213 Sequoia Drive.

Registration Packets

PreK Qualifying Application 2024-2025 -ENGLISH

PreK Qualifying Application 2024-2025 -SPANISH

2024-2025 PK Kinder Kick Off Packet English

2024-2025 PK Kinder Kick Off Packet Spanish


Qualifiers and Required Documents_ENGLISH

Qualifiers and Required Documents_SPANISH

To learn more about the benefits of prekindergarten and Krum ISD's PreK program, please contact Nancy Shipley at 940-435-7116.

To fill out the registration packet electronically, your computer will need Adobe Reader. If your computer does not have it, click here to download the free program.